Singing Heart Arts
Hall Hollerers..

Hall Hollerers
Now the child rearing years are behind me, I have started the next phase of my performing and teaching life. I am feeling the pull to travel through the australian bush again and so I'm doing "Hall Hollerers"
I come to community halls in regional and rural towns, inviting locals to a series of workshops. Then, with local talent, I host a concert featuring singers from the workshops, soloists, and any collection of musicians I can get to tag along with me. Singers from Lipstick and Spurs, who are available at the time, perform in the concert also.
And if a local group want to fundraise they can put on food and drinks for the concert.
If you would like me to run a Hall Hollerer series in your area, get in touch I have room for 2 more this year and I am taking bookings for 2014 now.

Archies Creek, Day 1
The inaugural Hall Hollerers has taken off with a flying start in Archies Creek, about 2 hours south of Melbourne. Great singers are coming out of the woodwork, and once-shy singers are la la la-ing, in the beautiful vivid green valley, as winter settles in.